Industrial Engineering is human effort engineering and system efficiency engineering.
This statement appeared in IIE magazine "Industrial Engineer" in March 2010 issue.
This statement appeared in IIE magazine "Industrial Engineer" in March 2010 issue.
The following subjects or techniques form part of industrial engineering tool kit.
Human Effort Engineering
1. Principles of Motion Economy and Motion Study.
Therbligs, SIMO chart, Chronocycle graph
2. Work Measurement
2. Work Measurement
Stop watch time study, worksampling, PMTS - MTM, MOST
3. Ergonomics
3. Ergonomics
4. Safe Work Practice Design
Personal protective devices
5. Wage Incentives and Job Evaluation
System Efficiency Engineering
1. Method Study and Methods Design
Process analysis, operation analysis, work station design
2. Value Engineering
2. Value Engineering
3. Statistics Based Techniques: Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Statistical Process Control (SPC), and Six Sigma Projects etc.
4. Operations Research and Quantitative Techniques
Linear programming models, Integer programming, Non-linear programming
5. Plant Layout Studies for reduction of material movement, operator movement and movement of salesmen etc.
5. Plant Layout Studies for reduction of material movement, operator movement and movement of salesmen etc.
6. Engineering Economics
Engineering Economic Appraisals of projects submitted by Engineering Departments