Sunday, March 14, 2010

Industrial Engineering Tool Kit - List

Industrial Engineering is human effort engineering and system efficiency engineering.
This statement appeared in IIE magazine "Industrial Engineer" in March 2010 issue.
The following subjects or techniques form part of industrial engineering tool kit.
Human Effort Engineering
1. Principles of Motion Economy and Motion Study.
Therbligs, SIMO chart, Chronocycle graph
2. Work Measurement
Stop watch time study, worksampling, PMTS - MTM, MOST
3. Ergonomics

4. Safe Work Practice Design
Personal protective devices

5. Wage Incentives and Job Evaluation
System Efficiency Engineering
1. Method Study and Methods Design
Process analysis, operation analysis, work station design
2. Value Engineering

3. Statistics Based Techniques: Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Statistical Process Control (SPC), and Six Sigma Projects etc.

4. Operations Research and Quantitative Techniques
Linear programming models, Integer programming, Non-linear programming
5. Plant Layout Studies for reduction of material movement, operator movement and movement of salesmen etc.

6. Engineering Economics
Engineering Economic Appraisals of projects submitted by Engineering Departments
7. Specialised Functional IE Solutions: SMED. Lean Manufacturing


Management and Industrial Engineering

Management Definition

Management of an organization is the process of establishing objectives and goals of the organization periodically, designing the work system and the organization structure, and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, accomplish their aims and objectives and goals of the organization effectively and efficiently. (Narayana Rao)

Narayana Rao defined industrial engineering as: "Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved." ( Industrial Engineering )

The statement "Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineeering" appeared in the Industrial Engineer (March 2010 issue), magazine of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), which is the global association of Productivity and Efficiency professionals.

Industrial engineering techniques and tools build efficiency into systems. Production management texts do cover some of the techniques of industrial engineering. Design professionals get some inputs in value engineering. A better system would be to introduce a course on industrial engineering in business curriculums so that business school graduates understand the profession and discipline of industrial engineering appropriately and make use of the services of IE departments in various functions of management.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Crankshaft Machining

Answer by Ponkshe - Suggestion to students

Crankshaft Designing & production!

But I would suggest the way how to solve such problems. It would be beneficial to them.

@ Students!

U start with asking following questions to yourself.

What is the function of the product? Answer = Transmit the high torque.
What r the working conditions of the component?
Answer = High temperature, intermittent shocks with long working durations.
What r the properties u desire? Answer = Long life without affecting it’s own dimensions (& it’s supporting parts too) & surface finish!

How to produce on mass scale?
Answer = Naturally Forging? (because if u try welding it would not sustain shocks. if u try casting there would be problems like porosity / cracks etc.
Now what is the answer to your question? U have to search for the material which is not costly answer is steel. Then what would be the size of Crank Shaft (So the size of engine) to sustain in that working conditions. Answer is very large size.
Now what to do to minimize the size & shape? Answer is Alloying with other metals which would enhance the desired properties. Try to reduce friction & Temperature by Oil holes etc.
I would suggest the students to refer Handbook for searching suitable metals which would easily mix with steel!
Now same way they can find out or prepare manufacturing process!
Caution: Note if you want to produce unit quantity the answer would (may) be different!!
(Advantage by using this method: U can remember the properties of various materials & mfg. processes very easily.)

Source: My question in orkut mechanical engineering community