5301. Advanced Problems in Industrial Engineering. V:1-3
Individual or group research on advanced problems conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. Maximum credit six semester hours.
5303. Advanced Topics in Industrial Engineering. V:1-3
One or more advanced topics. May be when topic changes.
5305. Graduate Research Project. 3
A Graduate Research Project must be completed and submitted to the Graduate Office for a grade to be assigned, otherwise IP notations are recorded. This course is specifically designed for Plan II and Plan II students. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
5306. Thesis. 3
This course is for Plan I Students. The course requires 6 hours of grades, the first 3 hours consisting of completion of a thesis proposal and the last 3 hours consisting of completion of the thesis. Completion of the thesis proposal is a prerequisite for enrollment in the last 3 hours of thesis.
5313. Inventory Systems. 3(3-0)
Deterministic/stochastic systems with static/dynamic models. Use of forecasting techniques. Practice of inventory management, manual, and computerized procedures, and MRP. Case studies in inventory systems management. Prerequisite: Three hours undergraduate production and Inventory Control or equivalent.
5314. Activity Scheduling. 3(3-0)
Deterministic/stochastic sequencing problems with static/dynamic models. Problems involving single and multiple facilities (flow shop, job shop). Problems involving different measure of effectiveness, solution techniques (optimizing, heuristic). Industrial scheduling problems. Prerequisite: IE 5313.
5315. Nonlinear Programming. 3(3-0)
Quantitative procedures for optimization techniques; steepest ascent/descent; gradient methods. Nonlinear problems such as quadratic programming, geometric programming, convex programming, separable programming, etc. Prerequisite: Six hours of undergraduate operations research or equivalent and graduate standing.
5321. Computer Application of Statistical Methods in Engineering. 3(3-0)
Extreme value distribution, multivariate normal distribution, simple and multiple regression analyses, analysis of variance, time series analysis a survey of nonparametric statistics, chi square, t, and F distributions. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in Applied Methods in Engineering Statistics or the equivalent.
5322. Computer Simulation of Industrial Systems 3(3-0)
Introduction to simulation, a survey and application of computer languages suitable for Monte Carlo simulation of random processes, model construction, advantages and shortcoming of simulation techniques, programming with simulation languages.
5323. Occupational Biomechanics. 3(3-0)
Study of the structure and function of musculo-skeletal system of the human body, kinetic and kinematics models, link segment diagram and 3-D static modeling. Applying bioinstrumentation to determine the human performance, work capacity and muscle strength evaluation. Biomechanical considerations in machine control and work place design.
5323. Occupational Biomechanics. 3(3-0)
Study of the structure and function of musculo-skeletal system of the human body, kinetic and kinematics models, link segment diagram and 3-D static modeling. Applying bioinstrumentation to determine the human performance, work capacity and muscle strength evaluation. Biomechanical considerations in machine control and work place design.
5324. Ergonomics. 3(3-0)
Application of ergonomic principles to the work environment. Design of the system to fit and interact with the human operator. Collection and utilization of anthropometric data in the design of workstations, tools, safety equipment and VDT workstations. Study of the interaction between human operator and the environment including the effect of noise improper lighting, vibration, heat and cold on physical and mental performance.
5325. System Safety. 3(3-0)
Application of engineering design and management of industrial prevention models along with ethical responsibilities to eliminate, prevent or control hazards throughout the life cycle of a project, program, procedure or activity.
5326. Economic Decision Theory. 3(3-0)
Source of information, prediction and judgment, subjective probability bidding policy. Statistical decision theory including utility function, risk and uncertainty, min-max and Bayes strategy. Prerequisite: IEEN 5329 or equivalent.
5328. Reliability Theory. 3(3-0)
Reliability analysis with emphasis on the exponential, Weibull, gamma, log normal, and extreme value distributions; reliability of systems, redundancy; maintainability and availability. Prerequisite: IEEN 5313.
5329. Advanced Engineering Economic Analysis. 3(3-0)
Continuation of Engineering Economic Analysis including funds flow, utility, price changes, investment, growth, replacement, taxes, capital budgeting, and managerial economics. Prerequisite: Three hours undergraduate course in Engineering Economic Analysis or equivalent.
5330. Computer Integrated Engineering Design. 3(3-0)
Overview to the fundamental principles and concepts underlying CAD/CAE systems. Emphasis on three dimensional parameters and feature-based CAD/CAM systems. Introduction to the concurrent design approach - design for manufacturing, design for assembly, design for reliability, design for maintainability are introduced. Applications of artificial intelligence in CAD/CAM system. Enhancement of student's application and development skills of CAD/CAM software.
5331. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 3(3-0)
Advanced systems concept of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Advanced System, definition of manufacturing and its various levels, planning and control of product movement through the production system, successful use of Automation, Robotics, Just-In-Time Manufacturing, and Knowledge Based Systems. Prerequisite: MEEN 5303.
5332. Manufacturing System Design. 3(3-0)
Systematic description of the underlying behavior of manufacturing systems. Topics include basic factory dynamics, corrupting influence of variability, push and pull production systems, human element in manufacturing systems design and supply chain management.
5334. Lean Manufacturing. 3(3-0)
Identifying key Lean concepts for manufacturing and defining these concepts for products/process design. Understanding Lean terminology, value stream mapping for manufacturing systems, design of Lean equipment, product cell design, operator job design and five steps to Kaizen. Lean manufacturing approach to help reduce manufacturing costs, reduce or eliminate waste and increase profit margins.
5335. Principles of Optimization. 3(3-0)
Nonlinear Optimization: Convexity, Kuhn-Tucker conditions, theory of duality. Linear and combinatorial optimization. Dynamic optimization. Prerequisite: Six hours of undergraduate operations research or equivalent.
5336. Linear Programming and Extensions. 3(3-0)
Theory of linear programming including the simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis, decomposition principles, the transportation problem, and integer programming. Prerequisite: IEEN 5335 or equivalent.
1. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
2. Quality Management
3. Computer Integrated Engineering Design
4. Facilities Design and Plant Layout
5. Ergonomics
6. Computer Simulation II
7. Fundamentals of Automatic Manufacturing
8. Forecasting
9. Stochastic Processes
10. Design for Manufacturing
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engr, MSC 191 Texas A&M University - Kingsville 700 University Blvd., Engineering Complex 326 Kingsville, TX 78363-8202
Phone:(361) 593-2003 | Fax:(361) 593-4026 | |
The Master of Science degree is a Plan I or Plan II program requiring the completion of 30 or 36 semesters hours of graduate work in engineering, including the thesis on the Plan I program. The Plan I degree is designed primarily for those interested in research or those wishing to work toward a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
Plan I-A (with thesis, major, and minor):
Thirty semester hours of approved graduate courses, with 18 to 24 semester hours (including 6 hours of Thesis 5306 research) in a major subject area and 6 to 12 semester hours in a minor subject area. The minor may be divided between two subject areas, with 6 semester hours in each.
Plan I-B (with thesis and major):
Thirty semester hours of approved graduate courses, with at least 24 semester hours (including 6 hours of Thesis 5306 research) in a major subject area.
Plan II (with major and minor):
Thirty-six semester hours of approved graduate courses, with 21 to 24 semester hours (including 3 hours of Research Project 5305) in a major subject area and 12 to 15 semester hours in a minor subject area. The minor may be divided between two subject areas, with at least 6 semester hours in each.
ADMISSION Requirements:
Any holder of a four-year B.S. degree in sciences, mathematics, business or engineering from an accredited institution may enter the program. Additional stem work above the 36 semester hours requisite for the degree may be required by the Graduate Coordinator to insure that students have sufficient background for the courses in their degree plans.
A research or design project and report will be required. This is defined as a research paper or design project produced as a major assignment in a three-semester-hour graduate 5000 level-course or by completing 3 hours of 5305 Research.
All candidates in both programs of study must pass a comprehensive examination consisting of an oral defense of the candidate's design/research project and related areas.
Admission to any of the graduate programs in the College of Engineering requires a baccalaureate degree and adequate course work in the field of interest. Other requirements include:
TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (TOEFL) – International students only
A score of 550 or 70% (Max. Score is 800)
A score of 213 (Max score of 300 - Computer Based Test)
A score of 1000 (63% - Quantitative + Verbal scores) is preferred. (Max. score is 1600)
Topics Asked in IIT JEE 2009 Physics Paper
15 years ago
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