Ministry of Labour and Employment launched a new scheme MES Training
Only about 2.5 million vocational training seats are available in the country whereas about 12.8 million persons enter the labour market every year. Even out of these training places, very few are available for early school dropouts. This signifies that a large number of school drop outs do not have access to skill development for improving their employability. The educational entry requirements and long duration of courses of the formal training system are some of the impediments for a person of low educational attainment to acquire skills for his livelihood. Further, the largest share of new jobs in India is likely to come from the unorganized sector that employs up to 93 per cent of the national workforce, but most of the training programmes cater to the needs of the organized sector.
Hon’ble Minister of Finance during the budget speech 2005-06 made the following announcement:
“ To meet the demand for specific skills of a high order, a Public Private Partnership between Government and Industry is proposed to promote skills development programme under the name ‘Skill Development Initiative’….”.
Accordingly, Ministry of Labour & Employment undertook development of a new strategic framework for skill development for early school leavers and existing workers, especially in the un-organised sector in close consultation with industry, micro enterprises in the un-organised sector, State Governments, experts and academia which was essential considering their educational, social and economic background. The main objective of the scheme is to provide employable skills to school leavers, existing workers, ITI graduates, etc. Existing skills of the persons can also be tested and certified under this scheme. Priority will be given to covering those above the age of 14 years who have been or withdrawn as child labour to enable them to learn employable skills in order to get gainful employment. it is hoped that this website will help in dissemination of the information about the scheme and bring transparency. It will also helpful in getting valuable feedback from stakeholders and public at large.
Vocational Training Providers (VTPs)
The training under SDI scheme will be provided by various VTPs under Central Government, State Governments, Public and Private Sector and Industrial establishments. VTPs will provide counselling & vocational guidance, training facilities as per norms, impart good quality training, post training support to trainees in getting employment, maintain data base on trainees trained and the outcome of the training. They will track the trainees for three years or till they get gainfully employed. VTP will also be required to have close networking with the industry for immediate placement of the trainees. They will also maintain accounts, ensure proper utilisation of funds and submit reports and utilisation certificates as per prescribed schedule. They will follow various instructions issued by the committees or any other authority from time to time. All VTPs should have necessary powers to collect the training fee from trainees. They should utilise fee collected and funds received from DGET for meeting various expenses for imparting training and providing post training support services. They should also have powers to reimburse training fee to successful trainees out of funds received from DGET. All VTPs must have a broad band internet connection.
Criteria for selection of VTPs
q Following categories of Educational and Training Institutes having requisite facilities for conducting training courses would be eligible for becoming VTP for conducting MES courses:
¹ Institutes (including autonomous institutes) set up by Central Government / State Governments / UT Administrations.
¹ Private Institutes of repute affiliated/ accredited to a Board / University / Council (NCVT, AICTE etc.) set up by Central Government / State Governments / UT Administrations
¹ Any other type of institutions/ bodies approved by Apex committee
q MES framework is a new concept for skill development. During 2007-08 i.e. first year of implementation, necessary management structures at National, Regional and State level (Apex committee, NPMC, Regional Cells, State Committees, State Cells) for managing and monitoring the scheme would be setup. Development of assessment tools and learning material would be done. Assessing bodies would be selected. State Governments and other stakeholders would be familiarised with the scheme procedures. Pilot programmes would be run for validating effectiveness of systems and procedures. Therefore, focus during the first year would be on development work and pilot programmes. There would be constraints in terms of reach of assessing bodies as well as budget availability. Accordingly, only 10,000 persons are to be trained / tested in the 2007-08. It would be required to take up implementation in select states (say 2 States/ UTs from each of the regions) and select cities in the first year and then gradually implement the scheme in other States/ UTs. States/UTs which accept terms, conditions and roles of States and ITIs prescribed under the scheme will be eligible to participate in the scheme.
List of MES Course Curricula approved by NCVT
(as on 01.01.2008)
S.N. Sector Name of Course
1. Automobile Basic Automotive Servicing (4 Wheelers)
2. Automobile Basic Automotive Servicing (2-3 wheelers)
3. Automobile Repair & Overhauling of 2 wheelers( moped)
4. Automobile Repair & overhauling of 2 wheelers (scooter)
5. Automobile Repair & overhauling of 2 wheelers (motor cycle)
6. Automobile Repair & overhauling of 3 wheelers
7. Automobile Repair & overhauling of engine systems (petrol/diesel)
8. Automobile Repair & overhauling of Chassis system (Light Vehicle)
9. Automobile Repair & overhauling of Chassis system (Heavy Vehicle)
10. Automobile Repairing of Auto Air Conditioning System
11. Automobile Wheel Alignment & Balancing
12. Automobile Minor Repair of Auto Body
13. Automobile Auto Body Painting
14. Automobile Diesel Fuel injection Technician
15. Automobile Repair & overhauling of Auto electrical & Electronic system
16. Banking and Accounting Accounting
17. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Basics of Beauty and Hair Dressing
18. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Massage Therapist
19. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Make up Artist
20. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Facial Therapist
21. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Hair stylist
22. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Hair Colourist
23. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Hair cutting Specialist
24. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Beauty Therapist
25. Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing Hair Therapist
26. Carpet Handknotted Woolen Carpet Manufacturing
27. Carpet Tibbetan Carpet Manufacturing
28. Carpet Flat woven Dhurrie Manufacturing
29. Carpet Hand Spinning of Woolen Carpet Yarn
30. Carpet Hand Spinning of Cotton Carpet Yarn
31. Carpet Hand tufted Carpet Manufacturing
32. Carpet Broadloom Carpet Manufacturing
33. Carpet Carpet Yarn Dyeing
34. Carpet Carpet Finishing – I
35. Carpet Hand knotted Silk Carpet Manufacturing
36. Carpet Natural Fibres for Carpets
37. Carpet Manufacture of fabric related to Carpet
38. Carpet Spinning of Woolen Carpet yarn
39. Carpet Entrepreneurship & Export Management
40. Carpet Spinning of Cotton Carpet yarn
41. Carpet Carpet Backing
42. Carpet Carpet yarn dyeing with Natural Dyes
43. Carpet Carpet Finishing - II
44. Carpet Designing of fabric related to Carpet
45. Carpet Modern Carpet Yarn Manufacturing
46. Carpet Carpet Designing CAD
47. Carpet Fundamentals of I. T. & its application in Carpet Industry
48. Chemical Safety & General Awareness in Chemical Industry
49. Chemical Process Attendant Chemical Plant
50. Chemical Mechanical Operation Attendant in Chemical Plant
51. Chemical Maintenance Attendant Chemical Plant
52. Chemical Instrument Attendant Chemical Plant
53. Chemical Lab Attendant (Chemical Plant)
54. Chemical Industrial Chemical Manufacturing Attendant
55. Chemical Heat Transfer Equipment Attendant (Chemical Plant)
56. Chemical Mass transfer Equipment Operator – I
57. Chemical Mass transfer Equipment Operator - II
58. Chemical Maintenance of Pumps & Valves (Chemical Plant)
59. Chemical Industrial Chemical Manufacturing Assistant
60. Chemical Maintenance & Repairs of Pressure, Flow, Temperature and Level Instruments
61. Chemical Advance Instrumentation & Control attendant
62. Electrical Basic Electrical Training
63. Electrical Repair of Home Appliance
64. Electrical House Wiring
65. Electrical Electronic Choke & CFL Assembling
66. Electrical Transformer Winding
67. Electrical Armature Winding
68. Electrical Rewinding of AC/DC Motors
69. Electrical Repair of Electrical Power Tools
70. Electrical Maintenance of Batteries
71. Electronics Basic Electronics (Repair & Maintenance of Power supply, inverters and UPS
72. Electronics Installation & Maintenance of DTH System
73. Electronics Digital Videography Editing and Mixing
74. Electronics Repair & Maintenance of washing machine and microwave oven
75. Electronics Repair & Maintenance of TV Receiver
76. Electronics Maintenance & Repair of Electronic Test Equipment
77. Electronics Repair & Maintenance of Cellular Phone
78. Electronics Repair & Maintenance of Intercom System
79. Electronics Installation & Maintenance of Electronic Equipments in Cell Phone towers
80. Electronics Repair & Maintenance PA & Audio Systems
81. Electronics Repair & Maintenance Photocopier and Fax Machine
82. Electronics Operation of clinical Equipment
83. Electronics Operation of ECG & ICCU Instruments
84. Electronics Maintenance of ECG & ICCU Equipment
85. Electronics Operation of X-Ray Machine & Dark room Assistance
86. Electronics Maintenance of X-Ray Machine
87. Electronics Operation of Physio Theraphy Equipment
88. Electronics Maintenance of Physio Theraphy Equipment
89. Fabrication Basic Welding (Gas)
90. Fabrication Basic Welding (Arc)
91. Fabrication Gas Cutting
92. Fabrication TIG Welding
93. Fabrication MAG/ CO2 Welding
94. Fabrication Fabrication Welding
95. Fabrication Pipe welding (TIG & ARC)
96. Garment Making Hand Embroider
97. Garment Making Machine Embroidery Operator
98. Garment Making Garment packer
99. Garment Making Garment Ironer
100. Garment Making Tailor (Basic Sewing Operator)
101. Garment Making Maintenance of Machines in Garment Sectors
102. Garment Making Computerized Embroidery Machine Operator
103. Garment Making Garment Cutter
104. Garment Making Garment Checkers
105. Garment Making Skilled Sewing Operators
106. Garment Making Special Sewing Machine Operator
107. Garment Making Tailor Children
108. Garment Making Tailor Ladies
109. Garment Making Tailor Gent’s
110. Garment Making Tailor Suits
111. Gem and Jewelry Gem Cutting Assistant
112. Hospitality Hospitality Assistant
113. Hospitality Household Assistant (General )
114. Hospitality Household Assistant (Kitchen and Service)
115. Information and Communication Technology Computer Fundamentals, MS-Office & Internet
116. Information and Communication Technology Tally
117. Information and Communication Technology Desk Top Publishing
118. Information and Communication Technology Telecom Sales
119. Information and Communication Technology Computer Hardware
120. Information and Communication Technology Computer Networking
121. Information and Communication Technology Domestic BPO
122. Information and Communication Technology Internet Kiosk Operators
123. Information and Communication Technology Web Designing
124. Khadi Spinning on new model Charkha
125. Khadi Plain Weaving on Frame Loom
126. Khadi Advance Spinning (Woolen)
127. Khadi Advance Spinning (Cotton & Muslin)
128. Khadi Advance Spinning (Silk)
129. Khadi Advance Weaving ( Woolen)
130. Khadi Advance Weaving (Silk)
131. Khadi Advance Weaving (Cotton/Polyvastra)
132. Medical & Nursing Bedside Assistant
133. Plastic Processing Basic Fitting & Measurement
134. Plastic Processing Basic Electrical Joints & Fitting
135. Plastic Processing Plastic Mould assistant for injection moulding
136. Plastic Processing Plastic mould assistant for Compression moulding
137. Plastic Processing Plastic mould assistant for Extrusion Moulding
138. Plastic Processing Plastic mould assistant for Blow moulding
139. Plastic Processing Auto Plastic mould assistant ( injection moulding)
140. Plastic Processing Auto Plastic mould assistant ( compression moulding)
141. Plastic Processing Auto Plastic mould assistant ( extrusion moulding)
142. Plastic Processing Auto Plastic mould assistant ( blow moulding)
143. Printing Basic for Printing Sector (Except Book Binding)
144. Printing Basic Book Binding
145. Printing Screening printing
146. Printing Book Binder
147. Printing Offset Machine Operator –Sheet Fed (Single & Multi Colour))
148. Printing Offset Machine Operator – ( Web Perfector)
149. Printing Offset Plate maker
150. Printing DTPO
151. Printing Advanced/ Supervisory ( Except Book Binding)
152. Printing Advanced/ Supervisory (Book Binding)
153. Process Instrumentation Instrumentation Panel fabrication and installation of pipe line
154. Process Instrumentation Process instrumentation machinery and equipment mechanic
155. Process Instrumentation Maintenance of recorders, transmitters and analyzers
156. Production and Manufacturing Turning
157. Production and Manufacturing Advance Turning
158. Production and Manufacturing Milling
159. Production and Manufacturing Advance Milling
160. Production and Manufacturing Surface Grinding
161. Production and Manufacturing Cylindrical Grinding
162. Production and Manufacturing CNC Turning
163. Production and Manufacturing CNC Milling
164. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Basic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
165. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Repair & Maintenance of Refrigerators and Deep Freezers
166. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Service & Maintenance of Water Cooler & Bottle Cooler
167. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Repair & maintenance of Air Conditioner
168. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Repair & maintenance of Car Air-Conditioning Unit
169. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Service & Maintenance of Air Conditioning Plant
170. Retail Sales Person ( Retail)
171. Retail Senior Sales Person ( Retail)
172. Toy Making ( Soft Toy) Pattern & Mould Maker ( Soft Toy)
173. Toy Making ( Soft Toy) Cutter & Fixer of Toys Parts ( Soft Toy)
174. Toy Making ( Soft Toy) General Sewing m/c Operator ( Soft Toy)
175. Toy Making ( Soft Toy) Willower & Stuffer ( Soft Toy)
176. Toy Making ( Soft Toy) Finisher & Painter ( Soft Toy)
177. Toy Making ( Soft Toy) Packer ( Soft Toy)
178. Toy Making ( Soft Toy) Special Sewing m/c Operator ( Soft Toy)
179. Indian Sweets, Snacks and Food Attendant-Ethinic Indian Sweets, Snacks & Food
180. “ AssistantCraftsman-Bengali Sweets
181. “ Craftsman-Bengali Sweets
182. “ AssistantCraftsman-Ghee BasedSweets
183. “ Craftsman-Ghee BasedSweets
184. “ AssistantCraftsman-Kaju & Dry Fruit BasedSweets
185. “ Craftsman-Kaju & Dry Fruit BasedSweets
186. “ AssistantCraftsman-Milk & Khoa Sweets
187. “ Craftsman-Milk & Khoa Sweets
188. “ AssistantCraftsman-Namkeens & Savouries
189. “ Craftsman-Namkeens & Savouries
190. “ AssistantCraftsman-Indian Snacks
191. “ Craftsman-Indian Snacks
192. “ AssistantCraftsman-North Indian Food
193. “ Craftsman-North Indian Food
194. “ AssistantCraftsman-South Indian Food
195. “ Craftsman-South Indian Food
196. “ AssistantCraftsman-Indian Chinese Food
197. “ Craftsman-Indian Chinese Food
198. “ AssistantCraftsman-Continental Food
199. “ Craftsman-Continental Food
200. “ AssistantCraftsman-Indian Chat
201. “ Craftsman-Indian Chat
202. “ AssistantCraftsman-Retail Counter Indian Chat
203. “ Craftsman-Retail Counter Indian Chat
204. “ AssistantCraftsman-Retail Counter Sweets
205. “ Craftsman-Retail Counter Sweets
206. “ AssistantCraftsman-Retail Counter Restaurant
207. “ Craftsman-Retail Counter Restaurant
208. “ AssistantCraftsman-Indian Desserts
209. “ Craftsman-Indian Desserts
210. “ AssistantCraftsman-Indian Syrups & Thandai
211. “ Craftsman-Indian Syrups & Thandai
212. “ AssistantCraftsman-South Indian Snacks
213. “ Craftsman-South Indian Snacks
214. Paint industry Painter Assistant/helper
215. “ Wall Painter
216. “ Wood Painter
217. “ Metal Surface Painter
218. “ Spray Painter
219. “ Painter(Application, Testing, Handling and Storing)
220. Construction Assistant Shuttering Carpenter & Scaffolder
221. “ System Shuttering Carpenter
222. “ Conventional Shuttering Carpenter
223. “ Scaffolder
224. “ Building Carpenter
225. “ Assistant Bar Bender & Steel Fixer
226. “ Bar Bender
227. “ Assistant Mason
228. “ Mason
229. “ Tiler (Ceramic)
230. “ Assistant Plumber
231. “ Plumber
Topics Asked in IIT JEE 2009 Physics Paper
15 years ago
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